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Shoelace Algorithm


Ranked as 30047 on our all-time top downloads list with 1871 downloads.
Ranked as 2574 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.

Filename shoelace.zip (Download)
Title Shoelace Algorithm
Description This program uses the shoelace algorithm to calculate the area of a polygon inscribed on a coordinate plane when you know the coordinates of its vertices. When you use the program, make sure that you enter the vertices in order. That is, go from one vertice to an adjacent vertice on the polygon, and continue around the polygon in the same order. It does not matter whether you go around the polygon clockwise or counter-clockwise; you just have to go in order. I did not write this program. Instead, I found it online (I believe on an IMSA website) and edited it very slightly. Since I could not find one on TICalc, I decided to post this one for others to use. This type of program may be useful in math competitions because this type of problem appears occasionally.
Author Carl Trank (carltrank@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Geometry)
File Size 891 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Aug 24 17:31:43 2008
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
SHOELACE.8xp   350
shoelace.txt   782

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