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BattleQuest 2


Ranked as 32258 on our all-time top downloads list with 1602 downloads.
Ranked as 19194 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename battlequest2.zip (Download)
Title BattleQuest 2
Description The second in the BattleQuest series. A huge improvement over the first, including a semi-graphical battle engine, real storyline, cutscenes, items in battle, 5 purchasable skills, 18 weapons, 14 shields, 14 armors, sale of weapons and items at good prices, 6 bosses and 1 final megaboss who canstill do 600 damage to you even when you have the best equipment!
Author David Presnall, Jr (analystjr@aol.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing/Battle)
File Size 32,105 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Aug 24 17:01:31 2008
Documentation Included? Yes


Review by  M Sun
Reviewed on 2013-09-28
Great game, with a good battle and RPG systems. The fights won't work at this point, however if you unarchive the BQ2BAT file, and then run it and follow through the selection sequence, and get to the Syntax error, just press GOTO and delete the line of code with real([a bunch of numbers]. You'll lose the graphics, but this is the only way it works.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
BattleQuest 2/BQ2DATA.8xg   6074
BattleQuest 2/BQ2GAME.8xg   22284
BattleQuest 2/BQ2GAME/B.8xl   211
BattleQuest 2/BQ2GAME/BATQ2.8xp   2342
BattleQuest 2/BQ2GAME/BQ2BAT.8xp   7096
BattleQuest 2/BQ2GAME/BQ2END.8xp   2257
BattleQuest 2/BQ2GAME/BQ2MENU.8xp   3077
BattleQuest 2/BQ2GAME/BQ2SHOP.8xp   9940
BattleQuest 2/BQ2GAME/Pic2.8xi   832
BattleQuest 2/BQ2GAME/Pic3.8xi   832
BattleQuest 2/BQ2GAME/Pic4.8xi   832
BattleQuest 2/BQ2GAME/Pic5.8xi   832
BattleQuest 2/BQ2GAME/Q.8xp   86
BattleQuest 2/BQ2GAME/Str2.8xs   89
BattleQuest 2/BQ2GAME/theta.8xp   106
BattleQuest 2/BQ2GAME/X.8xp   86
BattleQuest 2/BQ2GAME/Z.8xp   406
BattleQuest 2/BQ2GAME/ZDEL.8xp   132
BattleQuest 2/Readme.txt   4525
BattleQuest 2/xLIB.8xk   15119

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