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Review by  Nitro Ninja
Reviewed on 2013-05-07
This app is great, except I have one problem with it. My TI-84 Plus Silver Edition would prompt me with the necessary information for certain distributions. For example, if I wanted to find normalpdf, it would promt me with x value, mean, and standard deviation. Then I would press "Paste," and the information would be entered into the normalpdf in the correct order. However, once I use this app, if I try to calculate a distribution again, it no longer prompts me. I was wondering if anybody knows how to fix this, or perhaps, if the app is the problem, the app itself could be fixed.

Review by  Sean Murphy
Reviewed on 2009-05-04
The program is a good idea and seems to be well implemented. The menus are somewhat glitchy but work nonetheless. Not all conditions are shown for some of the statistical tests. I do very much like the idea of this program, but according to the AP CollegeBoard, this program is not allowed for the final AP exam. The CollegeBoard allows programs that improve the calculator's mathematical ability up to the level of the greatest accepted calculator but does not allow text responses like what this program gives. Here is the address of the official site with the ruling: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/members/courses/teachers_corner/197166.html

Unfortunately, my moral code does not allow me to cheat with this program (however much I'd like to). This somewhat limits the usability of the program.

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