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Right Triangle Solver


Ranked as 19355 on our all-time top downloads list with 3007 downloads.
Ranked as 11428 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename righttrianglesolver2.zip (Download)
Title Right Triangle Solver
Description This program calculates answers for right triangles, given two pieces of information. It uses the getKey function to store user input into a string, one number at a time, and displays it on the graph screen as the user enters it, one number at a time—until the enter key is pressed. However, I don’t check for all user errors, such as entering a degree larger than 90. This program displays a menu at the bottom of the screen, with a prompt directly above the menu options. There are as many as five menu options to choose from at any one time. These menu options correspond to the first row of keys at the top of the calculator: Y=, WINDOW, ZOOM, TRACE, GRAPH. These keys are used to select the menu option desired by the user. Above the prompt, a right triangle is drawn, with angle labels, and then side labels. When selected, the angle or length can be entered adjacent to where the angle or side is located. This allows the user to see that he is indeed putting the known information in the correct location. The left arrow key can also be used to backspace. For the record, this program requires a companion program, ZINPUTST, which is explained in comments below, and in another Word document in the ZIP file. This version times out after 1 minute to save your batteries.
Author Curt Liechty (curtis.liechty@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Trigonometry)
File Size 21,399 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Nov 14 20:21:02 2009
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Right Triangle Solver.doc   54272
RIGHTTRI.8xp   2608
ZINPUTST.8xp   331
ZINPUTST.doc   23552

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