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Deal or No Deal! - Best Version


Ranked as 18280 on our all-time top downloads list with 3146 downloads.
Ranked as 4412 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename dealornodealthebest.zip (Download)
Title Deal or No Deal! - Best Version
Description LATEST UPDATE FIXED: -Incorrect in case amount displayed after accepting a deal -Graphics bug when viewing the scoreboard while being offered a deal -Open having two "n"s when down to one case to choose from Deal or No Deal! is based on the NBC gameshow. Fully graphical it provides hours of fun and can be played over and over again. It follows the exact rules of the gameshow and keeps track of your 10 highest winnings. For those of you who have downloaded DEAL OR NO DEAL by Kevin Murtha, this program is less than half the size, 2x faster, and has many more improvements. I have not copied any of his work and have made my program completely from scratch. FEATURES *MirageOS Compatible *Top 10 Highscores *Graphics *Quick Loading *Only 3.5 kilobytes *All in one program
Author Daniel Dara (calculatorproductions@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Chance)
File Size 4,900 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Dec 21 17:35:41 2008
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  nick bugaev
Reviewed on 2009-12-26
Gameplay- very quick loading with accurate banker amounts and hours of winning money! 10/10

Memory- A reasonable size that doesn't take up much RAM. 9/10

Creativity- Adding a more accurate bank offer than the estimated offer in the game show makes it very original. Also the keep/switch at the very end is another nice feature. 9/10

File- Not too much in the folder with a very descriptive readme that is helpful for all. 10/10

Overall- Great game that wasted a lot of hours in my math classes! Very user friendly and anyone can pick up right away. I'd recommend to any deal or no deal fan. 9/10


-Million Dollar Mission maybe?

-To reset the format and window to normal cause it's a pain to do it every time for class.

-Maybe read what the banker says?

-A cool beginning screen with the deal or no deal logo, perhaps?

Well that's my review. Love having this game on my calculator.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Deal or No Deal!/Deal or No Deal! - Manual.txt   8081
Deal or No Deal!/DEALND.8xp   3613

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