Xion OS v.4.0 Beta Shell
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Xion OS v.4.0 Beta Shell
This is an early beta of Xion OS Shell for ti-83 plus/ti-84/ti-84 plus silver edition Installation Instructions- __________________________ 1. Copy all of the files in the "Copy to Calc" folder to your calculator in the RAM. 2. Click the pgrm button on your calculator 3. to start it click the program called "xionos" 4. Enjoy! UPDATES from version 3.0: -Removed worthless loading program -Added support for solving quadratic equations (Most advanced version of its kind, can solve for unreal solutions) -Added full support for solving for all variables in pythagorean theorem -Added support for solving logarithms for any base (located in the more math section of the main screen) -Added the game BlackJack coded completely by me (located in the programs menu) -Added a simple number guessing game (located in the programs menu) -Added support for figuring out intrest problems (Normal, Reverse intrest and continualy compounded intrest) -Added extras menu that contains a really old version of xion os before it was called xion os, just for the fun of it. -Cleaned up some code to optimize program -Updated version number to 4.0 NOTES: 1. The Systems section of the math solver will not do anything because it is still not done. 2. That's it every thing else works perfectly as far as I know :) (C) The Xion Team 2008 ALL CODE IS UNPROTECTED SO YOU CAN EDIT IT AS YOU WISH. THE ONLY THING WE DON'T WANT IS PEOPLE USING IT AND NOT GIVING US CREDIT. WE ALSO DO NOT WANT PEOPLE TO SELL OUR CODE.
john wilson (y2kss66@yahoo.com)
TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Shells)
File Size
9,854 bytes
File Date and Time
Mon Apr 14 03:41:16 2008
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Archive Contents
Copy to Calc/CALC.8xp | 229 |
Copy to Calc/CIRCLE.8xp | 350 |
Copy to Calc/CODNMJO.8xp | 299 |
Copy to Calc/COMPOUND.8xp | 331 |
Copy to Calc/CONT.8xp | 307 |
Copy to Calc/CREDS.8xp | 230 |
Copy to Calc/DEBUG.8xp | 428 |
Copy to Calc/EXTRA.8xp | 159 |
Copy to Calc/FORMULAS.8xp | 735 |
Copy to Calc/GUESS.8xp | 399 |
Copy to Calc/INTRST.8xp | 220 |
Copy to Calc/LOGBASEB.8xp | 199 |
Copy to Calc/MATH2.8xp | 303 |
Copy to Calc/MOREMATH.8xp | 153 |
Copy to Calc/NEGINTRS.8xp | 285 |
Copy to Calc/PGRMS.8xp | 187 |
Copy to Calc/PYTHAG.8xp | 491 |
Copy to Calc/Q.8xp | 429 |
Copy to Calc/RECT.8xp | 274 |
Copy to Calc/RECTPERM.8xp | 244 |
Copy to Calc/SYS.8xp | 203 |
Copy to Calc/TAREA.8xp | 269 |
Copy to Calc/TIOS.8xp | 160 |
Copy to Calc/TRI.8xp | 175 |
Copy to Calc/TWENTY.8xp | 1803 |
Copy to Calc/XIONOS.8xp | 88 |
README.txt | 1569 |