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Ranked as 24800 on our all-time top downloads list with 2414 downloads.
Ranked as 11328 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename goldminer.zip (Download)
Title GoldMiner
Description Use your claw and reel to mine gold and other treasures out of the earth. Your claw will swing back and forth. Press the down arrow to lower it. Once it has grabbed something it will reel it up. Heavy objects like rocks and large pieces of gold will be harder to reel up. Grab bags contain random amount of money, a strength power-up or a stick of dynamite. Clocks give extra time. Between levels you can buy items that can help you. Collect the target amount of money by the end of the level. If you don't meet your goal by the end of the level, the game will be over. Your money carries over from one level to the next. If you accidentally blow up everything on a level or just feel like going on, you can press APPS to finish the level. If you haven't met your goal the game will be over. If you don't want to reel up an item that your claw grabbed, you can throw a dynamite at it (if you have one) to blow it up. This can be useful if you grabbed a heavy roch and there isn't much time left: Explode it and grab something lightweight. Be careful with the tinderboxes: If you grab one, it explodes and also blasts other items around it (especially other tinderboxes). The game features grayscale graphics, random levels, highscore table and more. GoldMiner runs on 92+ / v200 with AMS 2.00 or higher and does not need any kernel.
Author Boscop (boscop@boolsoft.org)
Category Voyage 200 Assembly Games
File Size 591,235 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Mar 24 04:43:12 2008
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
GoldMiner/Bin/Compressed/GoldMiner.9xy   23071
GoldMiner/Bin/Compressed/GoldMiner.9xz   1095
GoldMiner/Bin/Compressed/GoldMiner.v2y   23071
GoldMiner/Bin/Compressed/GoldMiner.v2z   1095
GoldMiner/Bin/Uncompressed/GoldMiner.9xz   39087
GoldMiner/Bin/Uncompressed/GoldMiner.v2z   39075
GoldMiner/Doc/GPL.txt   18009
GoldMiner/Doc/ReadMe.txt   4555
GoldMiner/GoldMiner_Source.zip   50513
GoldMiner/Screenshots/screenshot002.png   2774
GoldMiner/Screenshots/SCREENSHOT00230001.gif   461753
GoldMiner/Screenshots/screenshot003.png   4241
GoldMiner/Screenshots/screenshot006.png   5245
GoldMiner/Screenshots/screenshot007.png   3563
GoldMiner/Screenshots/screenshot008.png   3433
GoldMiner/Screenshots/screenshot009.png   3778
GoldMiner/Screenshots/screenshot010.png   4221
GoldMiner/Screenshots/screenshot011.png   3792
GoldMiner/Screenshots/screenshot012.png   3827
GoldMiner/Screenshots/screenshot013.png   2687
GoldMiner/Screenshots/screenshot014.png   2316

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