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Krispy v2.0


Ranked as 35439 on our all-time top downloads list with 1169 downloads.

Filename krispy.zip (Download)
Title Krispy v2.0
Description Krispy is a guessing game... with a Jmaster797 style added to it. Krispy was actually a much simpler game when I first made it in 2002. Now Krispy is graphically enhanced to make guessing games interesting. While most guessing games are a simple type your guess and you try again until it's right. With Krispy, the game automatically tells you if you need to guess higher or lower and, in lower levels, giving you hints to get closer to your goal. There are four levels, each deciding the range of guessing, and if you get hints or not. The Easy Level requires you to guess from 1 to 100, while providing hints. The Medium Level requires you to guess from 1 to 1,000, while providing hints. The Hard Level requires you to guess from 1 to 10,000, with no hints. The Expert Level requires you to guess from 1 to 100,000, with no hints. The graphics are much better than most guessing games, and the size of the game is not too bad either. The more guesses you make, the worse your score will be. Krispy is truly an amazing and enjoyable game for you and your friends. Don't forget to read the text file. More games available at codemastergaming.webs.com .
Author Julian V. (jmaster797@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Chance/Guessing)
File Size 9,027 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Mar 10 06:20:42 2010
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
KRISPY.8xp   2799
Pics/Easy.gif   1359
Pics/Expert.gif   1349
Pics/Hard.gif   1327
Pics/Medium.gif   1392
krispy.txt   3663

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