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3 Dimensional Motion with Time Dependent Acceleration


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Filename motion3d.zip (Download)
Title 3 Dimensional Motion with Time Dependent Acceleration
Description This program analyzes 1, 2, or 3 dimensional motion with either time dependent or constant acceleration. For a 3d case, the values of any 10 of the 16 quantities { xo, yo, zo, vox, voy, voz, ax, ay, az, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, t } must be entered, then the program solves for the remaining 6 unknown quantities from the list. Either position, velocity, or acceleration can be entered as a function of time for each of the 3 dimensions. In time dependent cases, the values of the unknowns as well as expressions for them as functions of time are given. Several examples are included.
Author Don Benson (dnbnsn@cox.net)
Category TI-89 BASIC Science Programs (Kinematics)
File Size 42,796 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Mar 5 05:47:33 2008
Documentation Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Motion3d/main.copyto_underscore_h.89z   713
Motion3d/main.motion3d.89p   9178
Motion3d/Motion3d.pdf   43682

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