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Ranked as 35803 on our all-time top downloads list with 1112 downloads.
Ranked as 30649 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename minezwaffer.zip (Download)
Title MineZwaffer
Description Like the Windows Minesweeper, this game renders a field of 9x11 on your screen on which you have to clear all the mines. Highscores, variable amount of mines, rich user interface and fast due to a mix-up with assembly instructions makes this the best minesweeper available. Read .nfo for more information.
Author Zwaf League (ph34rmyw00t@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Puzzle/Minesweeper)
File Size 67,916 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Feb 4 04:48:45 2008
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Mr. Tee
Reviewed on 2008-02-04
This is the best mine sweeper for the TI. Easy interface, cool graphics, and fast (an uncommon feature among TI minesweepers). As usual i found some problems.

First: For a 83, it uses timer commands, which is not supported. Removing these will make the program work, but it will not make the high-score feature work.

Second: This is actually just a minor thing. If MineZwaffer became X-Libbified, and the pic removed, then it would become an all-in-one program, including an amazing app. (oh and even faster)

Speed: 9/10

Highscore: 10/10

Enjoyment: 10/10

Graphics: 8/10

Title Screen amazing, but in game graphics are normal.

Overall: 9.5/10!!!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
MineZwaffer.txt   3464
CODEX.8XP   908
MineZwaffer.nfo   3464
MineZwaf.8xp   2496
PIC8.8XI   844
3 - In game screenshot.jpg   45357
2 - The Main Field.jpg   49240
1 - Main Menu.jpg   44340

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