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School Guide 1.0


Ranked as 34365 on our all-time top downloads list with 1324 downloads.
Ranked as 22631 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename schoolv1.zip (Download)
Title School Guide 1.0
Description School Guide 1.0 is what I hope to be a very useful application for anyone in school. This version includes a gradebook, assignment book, notebook, and a report card function. The included subjects are the six basic courses: English, Foreign Language, History, Math, Religion, and Science. Automatic install opens all necessary strings, lists, and pic slots, and saves (archives) all data at program exit. Here is a quick rundown of the features: Gradebook Function- Store grades (percent) for each subject, and view later to view percentage along with letter grade, or change grade by .1%, up or down. Assignment book- write homework and view later along with a "done?" option to insert "DONE!" for the previous assignment. All homework can be viewed quickly with the assignments function. Notebook- Write notes, view notes, add notes, erase notes, etc. Report Card- Once grades have been inserted, this displays all % grades, pass or fail, and GPA for regular courses or Honors courses. Report Cards can be saved as pics in four different slots, one for each quarter. Well, now that you know how it woks, try it out!
Author Andrew Kortze (bejoyful6@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Programs (BasicBuilder)
File Size 17,117 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Feb 4 04:48:22 2008
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Schoolv1.8xk   11642
schoolv1 pics/ASSIGNMENTS.BMP   73782
schoolv1 pics/BACKPACK.BMP   73782
schoolv1 pics/LOADING.BMP   73782
schoolv1 pics/MAINMENU.BMP   73782
schoolv1 pics/PASSWORD.BMP   73782
schoolv1 pics/REPORT CARD.BMP   73782
schoolv1 pics/SAVING DATA.BMP   73782
SchoolGuidev1.0 README.txt   1314

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