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Ranked as 10740 on our all-time top downloads list with 4562 downloads.

Filename lfgauss.zip (Download)
Title LFGauss1.1
Description This name stands for “Load Flow using Gauss-Seidel Method”; it’s written in a TI-89 Titanium. The formulas used in it are based on this book: “Power System Analysis by Hadi Saadat”, The program is not written for just giving the final answer, it solves the problem step by step and is specially useful in tests because most of the time you are supposed to solve the problem only for a few steps and write down the procedure, however you can use it for reaching a final answer just by a few changes but when there are programs like POWERWORLD or DIgSILENT I think it won’t be needed. Only those who have solved load flow problem with at least 3 bus and 4 iterations will understand how much useful this program can be however it is still very helpful for smaller networks. There is also a subprogram which calculates the Ybus matrix. The Ybus calculated after running this program can be used in other programs that I have written like Lfnewton or Lffdcpld. By inversing this matrix you calculate Zbus which is helpful especially when you are going to solve a short circuit problem. Required slack bus power, transferred power between buses, power loss on lines, current flowing through the lines and some other parameters of system are calculated too.
Author Ali D.B. (ali.db65@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Science Programs (Electricity)
File Size 197,882 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Feb 12 02:26:43 2008
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
LFGauss1.1.pdf   217971
psa.lfgauss.89p   2672
psa.shin_underscore_adm.89p   390
3.GIF   1767
4.GIF   1765
1.GIF   1783
2.GIF   1759

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