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Ranked as 34754 on our all-time top downloads list with 1262 downloads.
Ranked as 3312 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename holdem.zip (Download)
Title Holdem
Description After reading Author David Salanski's book "Holdem' Poker for Advanced Players" I wanted a program to help me memorize winning strategy. Something where I can analyze hand after hand. So far the program succeeds in that respect for learning the books "card groups" for hole cards. I wrote it in a few hours, and it is inefficient, ugly, amateurish and very useful! I plan to trim the obese fat off this program soon and add card odds and pot odds for the flop turn and river. I was going to wait to submit this, but after using it I realized that it is already a great brain exercise tool. One neat thing this program allows is that you can cover up your hole cards after you look at them to help exercise your ability to remember them while thinking about the flop turn and river cards. Please offer your comments as I am not really a programmer and could use the help. Thanks.
Author Emile Mercier (emile010@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Games (Casino)
File Size 2,973 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jan 6 19:11:04 2008
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
HOLDEM.89P   7083
readme.txt   1792

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