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Ranked as 31041 on our all-time top downloads list with 1755 downloads.
Ranked as 6123 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename errorlib.zip (Download)
Title ERRORS!!!
Description ErrorLib works by outputting a certain error that corresponds with a number inputted into Ans. Valid inputs are 1-51, but nothing should ever cause a crash of any kind. An invalid input yields "Invalid" or "Invalid "Dim". The error values are obtainable from most copies of ti83plus.inc, but are printed here for convenience. Something to note is that there is absolutely NO program execution from either ErrorLib or the program that calls it once an error has formed. This makes for a handy alternative to Stop, but leaves annoying variables behind if you haven't DelVar'd everything to pieces. 1 :Overflow 2 :Divide By 0 3 :Singular Mat 4 :Domain 5 :Increment 6 :Break 7 :Nonreal Ans 8 :Syntax 9 :Data Type 10:Argument 11:Dim Mismatch 12:Invalid Dim 13:Undefined 14:Memory 15:Invalid 16:Illegal Nest 17:Bound 18:Window Range 19:Zoom 20:Label 21:Stat 22:Solver 23:Singularity 24:No Sign Chng 25:Iterations 26:Bad Guess 27:Stat Plot 28:Tol Not Met 29:Reserved 30:Mode 31:Link 32:Link 33:Link 34:Link 35:Link 36:? 37:Scale 38:ID Not Found 39:No Mode 40:Validation 41:Length 42:Application 43: 44: 45:Expired 46:Bad Address 47:Archived 48:Version 49:Archive Full (It's fancy!) 50:Variable 51:Duplicate Complete and total disclaimer? Yes.
Authors Jack Haufmin ()
Dan Wayne (porter) (rwang06@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 5,229 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Dec 16 17:46:49 2007
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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