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Einstein 4.0


Ranked as 29836 on our all-time top downloads list with 1888 downloads.
Ranked as 5873 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename einstein_4.0.zip (Download)
Title Einstein 4.0
Description Einstein 4.0 (2007 edition) is a file explorer which looks like Windows. It has some viewers (txt, pic), a compression utility, ...
Author Thibaut Barthélemy (barthib@hotmail.com)
Category Voyage 200 Assembly Shells
File Size 639,508 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Dec 15 03:13:54 2007
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Shane Shane
Reviewed on 2016-09-09
This newer version has a speed bug in it. Scrolling through menu and directories is way too fast making it irritating to use as an assembly shell. The older 2002 version works fine. Both versions aren't good for creating and renaming directories, but both are excellent for launching basic, assembly, text files etc.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
data/ess.gif   505766
data/sources.zip   65874
Einstein pour 89 & Titanium/einsdata.89z   8905
Einstein pour 89 & Titanium/HW3patch 1.03 - NECESSAIRE/hw3patch.89z   1399
Einstein pour 89 & Titanium/HW3patch 1.03 - NECESSAIRE/readme.txt   8089
Einstein pour 89 & Titanium/kbdprgm6.89z   17265
Einstein pour 92+/einsdata.9xz   8905
Einstein pour 92+/HW3patch 1.03 - NECESSAIRE/hw3patch.9xz   1399
Einstein pour 92+/HW3patch 1.03 - NECESSAIRE/readme.txt   8089
Einstein pour 92+/kbdprgm6.9xz   17461
Einstein pour Voyage200/einsdata.v2z   8905
Einstein pour Voyage200/HW3patch 1.03 - NECESSAIRE/hw3patch.v2z   1399
Einstein pour Voyage200/HW3patch 1.03 - NECESSAIRE/readme.txt   8089
Einstein pour Voyage200/kbdprgm6.v2z   17461
A_LIRE.htm   48189

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