IVCALC v. 3.0
Ranked as 34886 on our all-time top downloads list with 1238 downloads. Ranked as 28950 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
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Archive Contents
CALC1.GIF | 73782 |
CALC2.GIF | 73782 |
CALC3.GIF | 73782 |
Readme.txt | 2134 |
Base Stat Lists/DEX_theta_.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEX1.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEX2.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXA.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXB.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXC.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXD.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXE.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXF.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXG.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXH.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXI.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXJ.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXK.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXL.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXM.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXN.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXO.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXP.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXQ.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXR.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXS.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXT.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXU.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXV.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXW.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXX.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXY.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/DEXZ.8xl | 994 |
Base Stat Lists/FORME.8xl | 778 |
IVCALC.8xp | 2939 |