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Binomial Expansion Micro


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Ranked as 11074 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename binexp_pascal_micro.zip (Download)
Title Binomial Expansion Micro
Description This is a program that will expand a binomial (AX^D+BY^E)^C to 336 degrees and find any row of Pascal's Triangle from 0 through 336, which is an upgrade from the previous version. The Pascal's Triangle Solver was made in 20 bytes and the Binomial Expansion was about 300 bytes and the program has 100 bytes of Menus, for a total of 422 bytes, a great demonstration of what a small loop program is capable of doing. Read the readme or you will not be able to run the program!
Author dev patel (devanshpatel22@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Algebra)
File Size 156,558 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Oct 26 19:53:18 2007
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Binexp_Pascal_Micro/BIN.8xl   130
Binexp_Pascal_Micro/BINEXP.GIF   51755
Binexp_Pascal_Micro/BINEXP2.GIF   41557
Binexp_Pascal_Micro/BINEXP3.GIF   89341
Binexp_Pascal_Micro/BINEXPN.8xp   482
Binexp_Pascal_Micro/ReadMePlease.txt   614

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