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Bowling: X-Factor v3.0


Ranked as 6507 on our all-time top downloads list with 6209 downloads.
Ranked as 6123 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename bowlingz.zip (Download)
Title Bowling: X-Factor v3.0
Description This Bowling game is vastly different from any other Bowling game out there. The graphics are amazing, showing the lane, the gutters, and featuring a moving scoreboard for the players. This game also features a high score that anyone can achieve. Up to four players can play Bowling: X-Factor. The scoreboard moves to show the frames that the player has completed. You can also enter in your name. In the game, you can type as many characters as you want, but the first eight characters will be stored as your name. The game features amazing graphics, a great scoring system, easy to use controls, and features that makes the game more enjoyable for anyone to play. This game is definitely worth the download. Don't forget to read the text file. More games available at www.freewebs.com/jmaster797 .
Author Julian V. (jmaster797@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Sports)
File Size 13,080 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Jan 16 23:09:18 2009
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
bowling_x-factor.txt   2303
BOWLING.8xg   5699
Programs/BOWLING.8xp   5049
Programs/BPIC.8xp   141
Programs/BPIC1.8xp   623
Pics/Final Scores.gif   1540
Pics/Perfect Game.gif   1436
Pics/The Beginning.gif   1349
Pics/Title.gif   1230

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