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Filename ivcalclite.zip (Download)
Title IVCALC LITE V. 1.31
Description An IV calculator for the Pokémon games. Version 1.31 LITE has a smaller file size than 1.26 and is MirageOS compatible. IVCALC 3, a full version, will include the base stats for each Pokémon. Beta 1 will be available soon.
Author K. Bishop (bishopky@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Game Tools)
File Size 5,019 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Oct 11 18:55:04 2007
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Xander Andrees
Reviewed on 2007-09-12
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

IVCALC Lite 1.26 is a new program, I hope that will help out the entire Pokémon community.

Since IVCALC Lite 1.26 is the first to apparently be released, there are no other programs for it to build on, making it one of a kind, at the moment. Because of this, it is very original, and a very good idea overall.

The basics of it are knowing the level, statistical level, Effort Values, and base stat, the Individual Value can be roughly calculated. Because it is just simple inputing of data, not much can go wrong.

Problem with this version, the base stats are not easily accesible except if you print them out. Websites the author recommends, whichhave the base values are easily found just by a basic search, but if the IVs are needed that bad, there are many much more precise and powerful versions online. Also, the entire Pokémon cannot be evaluated at once, requiring multiple runnings to get all 6 of the stats with IVs.

Looking at the actual code of the program, the author seems to have a good grasp of basic TIBASIC, using If-Then statements and menus, but using them to much when less are needed or required. The code could be drastically cut down in size, allowing it to run faster.

Personally, I like this program, but waiting for the full version might be a while, seeing there are 493 Pokémon is existence. Also, using an online calculator would allow you to not have to remember/look up every single Pokémon's stats and each nature, but breeding for a specific stat with a specific nature would allow this to be very useful.

Overall, this is a good program, allowing a Pokémon breeder to easily find the IV of a specific Pokémon if they are breeding for stats. Good job.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Readme.txt   1836
LITE1.GIF   73782
LITE2.GIF   73782
LITE3.GIF   73782
IVLITE.8xp   572

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