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Wizard 1.5 Re-release


Ranked as 20606 on our all-time top downloads list with 2870 downloads.

Filename wizard1.5.zip (Download)
Title Wizard 1.5 Re-release
Description Yet again I have put in more time into building this game and now here it is a way more advanced wizard program. New features include a map with different towns to go to and really bad multiplayer. Since I wrote the update in May, I can't remember if you can keep your game from v1.1, but anyhoo have fun! I have included xLIB which is required to run this game. I didn't put it in before because I forgot and you would have to read the readme to know you would need it. Either send the group(recommended) or the programs individually.
Author James Lennon (neutronlennon@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 31,200 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Nov 8 18:07:23 2007
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Readme.txt   996
_theta_WADD.8xp   218
_theta_WANIM.8xp   511
_theta_WARENA.8xp   241
_theta_WBATTLE.8xp   1138
_theta_WCH.8xp   597
_theta_WCL.8xp   171
_theta_WENLIST.8xp   2064
_theta_WESP.8xp   780
_theta_WG1.8xp   348
_theta_WLOAD.8xp   283
_theta_WMAIN.8xp   1255
_theta_WMAP.8xp   887
_theta_WMULTI.8xp   510
_theta_WPROS.8xp   1591
_theta_WQUESTL.8xp   979
_theta_WSAVE.8xp   241
_theta_WSHOP.8xp   1862
_theta_WSP.8xp   1832
_theta_WSTART.8xp   333
_theta_WVAR.8xp   1001
_theta_WWT.8xp   530
AWIZSETP.8xp   1073
WIZARD.8xp   604
WIZARD.8xg   17795
xlib.zip   12103

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