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Ranked as 30847 on our all-time top downloads list with 1781 downloads.
Ranked as 18653 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename tradempr.zip (Download)
Title TradEmpire
Description Get the latest new RPG from U.S.Games! Your character can travel from town to town buying and selling items to make a profit. Special features include adjustable text speed and two custom save slots! Download it today!
Author Zach Schneider (us_games@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 4,167 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Sep 8 15:38:31 2007
Documentation Included? No


Review by  Arthur O'Dwyer
Reviewed on 2007-10-29
As the name and description suggest, "Trade Empire" is not really an RPG; it's a "Dope Wars" clone with a few extra features thrown in.

The extra features include a bank (banked money appreciates each time you travel between cities, so it pays to take the slow train) and a Jesus-themed tip kiosk that will sell you tips such as "Read your Bible". In keeping with this pious theme, the trade goods are limited to "Toys", "Posters", "Books", "Comics", and "Souvenirs".

The game runs very slowly for some reason, probably because it's driven by so many menus. The author has apparently learned how to use the "Pause" command, but not consistently --- the prices only flash on screen for a second when you move to a new city, so you have to have speedy eyeballs, or else dig down through the menu system looking for that "adjustable text speed" advertised in the readme. The program doesn't clear the home screen between menus, either, which leads to confusion when a menu disappears to be replaced with home-screen text that's no longer relevant.

Gameplay: 4/10. It's a decent Dope Wars clone, but it lacks a "hook" to keep the player's attention.

Interface: 2/10. The menu system makes the pace agonizingly slow.

Features: 5/10. The bank and the two modes of travel actually affect the gameplay, which is good.

Piety: 8/10. More Tim LaHaye than Scarface. Even given the tip kiosk's advice about yellow snow, this game would make Thomas Bowdler proud.

Total: 3/10. Not worth it.


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