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Random Sudoku Generator


Ranked as 32807 on our all-time top downloads list with 1534 downloads.

Filename randsudo.zip (Download)
Title Random Sudoku Generator
Description I was tired of seeing perfectly good sudoku programs saying that they can't generate fully random puzzles, so here's a code to use to do just that. Fully random sudoku, way different from the source code's original.
Author Patrick Connor (patz2009@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Game Tools)
File Size 1,251 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jun 9 19:58:51 2007
Documentation Included? Yes


Review by  Joe Young
Reviewed on 2008-12-28
Don't be fooled by the title, this randomizer is incredibly limited in its creation of sudoku puzzles. I doubt the author was trying to fool anyone, but anyone who plays a game powered by this randomizer will eventually familiarize themselves with it.

Actually, its not as bad as it sounds. The program takes a stored puzzle and swaps the rows and columns around in groups of three. The puzzle doesn't get ruined this way. Fortunately, this program can be easily improved to expand its range of possible puzzles. The progrsm can choose from more than one stored puzzle, and all the numbers could be randomized within to hamper any familiarity with the randomizer.

All in all, though, this program is really solid. It doesn't waste a lot of RAM, and I'm sure its randomizing technique will expire a lot later than the player's attention span will. This is a randomizer I might recommend to potential sudoku games, though it's not like there are a myriad of generators here.


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