Review by
Tony Seger
Reviewed on
This is doubtlessly the best minesweeper for the TI 83-84 calculators. Nonetheless, it has one downside that the earlier reviews haven't mentioned, there is only one difficulty level: Easy. Other than that, this is a must download.
Overall: 9/10 |
Review by
Mr. Kimura
Reviewed on
First of all, very nice interface. One quick title screen and it goes straight to the game.
It really is a clone of the computer version. For one thing it clears out numbers when you click on a free space, a feature many minesweeper "clones" lack. However, it does not relocate a mine on the first click, so it is possible to lose on your first turn (no biggie). I really like how you can press down at a corner and it wraps around to another one. Now if only I could hold the arrow keys and scroll...
The only major complaint I have is the location of the buttons. I would have liked the flag button to be ALPHA and not MODE (on 84+), the Y= key as the restart button is a little odd, and I think the exit button should be CLEAR, not DEL. However, I can live with all of these and they certainly shouldn't stop you from downloading this program.
Overall, a strong 9.7/10!! It's awesome!!! |
Review by
Bleh 7777
Reviewed on
By far, "Grayscale Minesweeper 1" is the best minesweeper clone I've seen for the 83/84 calculators.
Some nice features that I saw:
- When you click a blank square, it fills the entire area.
- A timer! With a high score board!
- A cursor.
Some things I found that could be improved/fixed:
- I encountered a glitch that involved the cursor selecting the button to the right of the one it was pointing to.
- Takes a while to figure out that F1 means "new game".
- No customization whatsoever.
Overall, I'd give "Grayscale Minesweeper 1" a 9/10. |
Review by
Bryce Taylor
Reviewed on
This is by far the best minesweeper game yet on the 83+ series calculators. It is much smaller than the basic w/xlib counterparts and the greyscale is nearly perfect. It includes a high score, smiley face, auto-uncover, and more. A must download for everyone. It also runs nostub, or at least the version I have does.
Speed: 10/10
No lag.
Gameplay: 10/10
Perfect emulation.
Replayability: 10/10
It's minesweeper.
Originality: 2/10
It's minesweeper.
Graphics: 10/10
Stability: 10/10
No bugs.
Overall: 52/60
A must download for everyone! It is one of the best games available. |
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