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Pretty print - Partial results


Ranked as 28233 on our all-time top downloads list with 2061 downloads.
Ranked as 10140 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename imprimir.zip (Download)
Title Pretty print - Partial results
Description English: Program to print partial results in pretty print, ideal for TI-BASIC programmers. Kernel is not necessary. Include example. Spanish: Programa para imprimir resultados parciales en pretty print, ideal para programadores de ti-basic. No se necesita ningun kernel. Incluye un ejemplo. Works with ti-89/t,v200,ti-92/p
Author Cosme Fulanito (cosmefulanito04@yahoo.com.ar)
Category TI-89 Assembly Libraries
File Size 6,275 bytes
File Date and Time Wed May 16 00:32:07 2007
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Nishad Phadke
Reviewed on 2010-11-20
Speed: 5 (same as TI-OS)

Usefulness: 1

Bugs: multiple

Tested on an TI-89 HW 2 OS 2.09.

This program seems useless to me because all it does it convert a string to pretty print, which you can do yourself straight from the home screen by just typing in the equation and letting the TI-OS automatically formatting it.

Every time I used this program, EVERY time, the calculator freezes. It displays the equation on the IO screen, and then switches back to the home screen, but then the keyboard freezes and the calculator is rendered useless.

I definitely would NOT recommend this program because it simply occupies you memory to do just another built-in function with no speed difference, and it also crashes your calc.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
leeme.txt   888
imprimir.89z   1197
imprimir.9xz   1197
imprimir.v2z   1197
Example - Ejemplo/89/example.89p   484
Example - Ejemplo/92/example.92p   484
Example - Ejemplo/92p/example.9xp   484
Example - Ejemplo/v200/example.v2p   484
readme.txt   875

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