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Patz Calculator Sudoku v2.30


Ranked as 19217 on our all-time top downloads list with 3031 downloads.
Ranked as 9119 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename pcsudoku.zip (Download)
Title Patz Calculator Sudoku v2.30
Description Patz Calculator Sudoku is a lightweight, fully-featured Sudoku program. It generates a Sudoku puzzle that you can solve. With a wide array of features (fully random puzzles, saving/loading, speed, etc.), this game is a must-have for the Sudoku freak! This is the final version of Patz Calculator Sudoku. Shell compatible.
Author Patrick Connor (patz2009@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Puzzle/Number)
File Size 10,388 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Dec 6 16:15:39 2007
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Mr. Kimura
Reviewed on 2007-10-14
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

This is one of the best sudoku programs out there for the 83+/84+ series. It has a REAL gui (yes, it really is a GRAPHICAL user interface), virtually an unlimited number of puzzles (1,000,000 to be exact), 5 different levels, and a save feature-very useful:).

However, there are two things I find annoying. One, it doesn't distinguish between the given and the inputted numbers, so sometimes you delete a number that was part of the original puzzle. The hint system, although very nice, does not make sense. The harder levels have less hints than the easier ones??? I think it should be the other way around! But then again, some people like this system. Also, it can easily be fixed by modifying a few lines of the program.

Overall, pretty good. A couple of dents here and there, but this one is definitely a keeper.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
screen1.GIF   1397
screen2.GIF   1570
Source.txt   3224
Sudoku Readme.txt   11894

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