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Slipz v1.3


Ranked as 35846 on our all-time top downloads list with 1109 downloads.

Filename slipz.zip (Download)
Title Slipz v1.3
Description Slipz is a puzzle game in which you are an X, desperately trying to make your way back to the /. Unfortunately, whenever you try to move in a certain direction, you keep going until you hit a wall. Again, unfortunately, mines and flytraps seem to have spawned everywhere. Have fun!
Author Sean Wade (seanwade.1115@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Puzzle/Maze)
File Size 7,861 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Mar 10 05:04:37 2007
Documentation Included? Yes


Review by  Kristian Grimaldi
Reviewed on 2007-03-17
This is one of the best TI-84+ games ever made in pure Basic. It's extremely original, and it's addicting to play. Easy to play and make a new level. Some of the levels are challenging and force you to think before you move. I don't think I've ever seen a game like this before.

Game play: 10/10

Very original and addicting!

Load-time: 9/10

It doesn't take very long to load levels.

Memory: 8/10

You can only make 5 new levels

Level-editor: 10/10

Extremely easy to make new levels!

Overall: 9.3/10

A must have!

I recommend this program to everyone who has a calculator!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
LVL1.BMP   73782
LVL6.BMP   73782
readme.txt   1628
SLIPZ.8xp   6729

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