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Clean-all v1.0


Ranked as 34515 on our all-time top downloads list with 1301 downloads.
Ranked as 32739 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename cleanall.zip (Download)
Title Clean-all v1.0
Description This program permits cleaning quickly your TI. It deletes only the programs you want and delete all non archived variables, hidden variables and apps installations. It has been done for programmers and users with a lot of programs. Ce programme permet de nettoyer rapidement sa calculatrice. Il ne supprime que les programmes que vous voulez supprimer et supprime toutes les variables non archivées, les variables cachées et les installations d'apps. Il est destiné à tous les programmeurs et à tous ceux qui ont beaucoup de programmes.
Author Nicolas Moreaud (kiruahxh@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities/Memory)
File Size 200,787 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Mar 6 06:14:29 2007
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Routines/hackvars/HACKVARS.8xp   5336
Routines/hackvars/ReadMeFirst/read_this.doc   54272
Routines/hackvars/ReadMeFirst/read_this.htm   19790
Routines/hackvars/ReadMeFirst/read_this.txt   3929
Routines/hackvars/ReadMeFirst/read_this_files/filelist.xml   519
Routines/hackvars/ReadMeFirst/read_this_files/image001.jpg   8715
Routines/hackvars/ReadMeFirst/read_this_files/image002.jpg   3854
Routines/hackvars/ReadMeFirst/read_this_files/image003.jpg   1378
Routines/hackvars/ReadMeFirst/read_this_files/image004.jpg   894
Routines/hackvars/ReadMeFirst/read_this_files/image005.jpg   1740
Routines/hackvars/ReadMeFirst/read_this_files/image006.jpg   1023
Routines/hackvars/ReadMeFirst/read_this_files/image007.jpg   3583
Routines/hackvars/ReadMeFirst/read_this_files/image008.jpg   2072
Routines/hackvars/ReadMeFirst/read_this_files/image009.jpg   4225
Routines/hackvars/ReadMeFirst/read_this_files/image010.jpg   2007
Routines/hackvars/ReadMeFirst/read_this_files/image011.jpg   2613
Routines/hackvars/ReadMeFirst/read_this_files/image012.jpg   1442
Routines/ptools/Program Tools.txt   2136
Routines/ptools/ptools.8xp   159
Routines/ptools/ptools.asm   1082
Routines/ptools/zlist.8xp   159
Routines/ptools/zlist.asm   824
Routines/ptools/zrun.8xp   307
Routines/ptools/zrun.asm   3685
Routines/varstats/Readme.txt   2051
Routines/varstats/VARASM.8xp   787
Routines/varstats/VARSTATS.8xp   88
Readme [EN].doc   29184
CLEAN.8xg   1732
Read me now! English.txt   2801
Lisez moi! Fran‡ais.txt   4000
Lisez moi! [FR].doc   28672

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