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TileGame Version 2.21


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Ranked as 9465 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename tilegame.zip (Download)
Title TileGame Version 2.21
Description Tile-Game is a tile based game, inspirated by "Chip's Challenge" (by Chuck Sommerville) where "you" (a theta sign) are trying to reach the exit. To do this, "you" have to go throug a level (by using the arrow keys) while you are picking up keys, coins, and other usefull items (like "Fire-resisting Boots" and stuff like that). There is a kind of door where "you" have to get more (or equal to) a limit of coins to pass, and this limit depends on the level. In the levelset included in this release of the game, it is 4 levels in diferent difficult-grades (Yes, you can make your own levelset too! but then you need to read about the listsystem I uses first. That file is also included, and if you don't understand the file, e-mail me). You can see how many coins you need, and how many keys + items you have by pressing "2ND". To start the program, open "TILEGAME", and select a menu item. If you selected "PLAY", you wil be asked for a password if you want to go to another level in the set. You don't know any passwords yet, so you only have to press "ENTER". The cuppent level will be loaded into memory. To play it, pres "ENTER" when the password to that level appears on the screene whit the "Press enter to contine..." message. The level will now load while you are seeing a coundown from 7. When the countdown is complete, then you can start moving around (the zero from the coundown will morph into the theta sign). Every time there is a countdown, you have to wait to it finish before you can do something. The game contains an editor too! where you can use all of the 40 different tiles to make a own level besides for the set! The editor is easy to use, and the only thing you have to do is to move the custor and press a button where you want a tile to be placed. You can read about the different keys for the different tiles in a file included. If you still have questions, read the documentation, and if you still wondering about something (about this game), e-mail me. Thanks to Alex Cho Snyder for help with the "Drawing level" code.
Author Frode van der Meeren (fvdm1992@yahoo.no)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Puzzle/Maze)
File Size 15,533 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jul 26 04:41:27 2007
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Current/Levelset ReadMe.txt   4143
Current/ReadMe.txt   4852
Current/TGLVEDIT.8xp   1857
Current/TGLVLSET.8xp   2371
Current/TileGame-Tiles in Chip's-Challenge-MS-tile style.bmp   32886
Current/TileGame-Tiles.bmp   6878
Current/TILEGAME.8xp   4413
Current/Tiles.txt   8724

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