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Theta vs. Pi 6


Ranked as 25125 on our all-time top downloads list with 2393 downloads.
Ranked as 19357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename thetavspi6.zip (Download)
Title Theta vs. Pi 6
Description Whilst the idea of making a game in the style of games such as 'Super Mario Brothers' remains Theta vs Pi 6 is a huge step up from the earlier Theta vs Pi games. It is graphically far superior, faster, doesn’t have the errors, has more variety, has an excellent save game feature which allows you to save pretty much as many games as memory allows and the levels don’t repeat or keep changing whenever you play. It took ages to programme but it was worth every second. Theta vs Pi 6 does basically what the earlier games tried to do but better (All Theta Vs Pi 1-5 were made but I didn’t bother uploading all of them). Not only are the graphics much more refined and the movements faster, there are a seemingly infinite (Although logically finite) number of levels. The way this works is that in every land (You start in Theta Land 1) there are twenty-eight levels and ever time you complete a land you move onto the next one (i.e. Theta Land 1 leads to Theta Land 2). This means that you should never run out of levels to play. You can pick any stage in any level in any land and it will be the same as every other time you had played it (Although your starting position in different stages can change depending on where you finished the last stage) and the levels don’t repeat. In each land you have to defeat three bosses and of course King Pi. In each land you verse each boss twice (They're harder the second time) and the King Once. Whilst theoretically it is possible that you could eventually get to a point where you could go no further even I haven't found an end and I have been up to Theta Land 1000 (By Cheating). I left the code unlocked for any one who wants to make a similar game or just wants to know how it works. There's also an attached Windows Media Audio/Video file with screen shots and some music if you want to have a look. In any case just play the game for as long as you want and enjoy!
Author Lawrence Matheson (opinionsrgood@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Platform)
File Size 252,134 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Feb 17 06:31:07 2007
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Matthew cooley
Reviewed on 2007-10-30
Although I usually am disapointed by Basic games, this one turned out to be much better than I expected.

Graphics: 7/10

This game has much better graphics than I realized was possible with Basic programming. All the stationary objects are unique pictures, and the opening menu looks cool. The only problem with the graphics is that enemies and the theta character flicker, and are all letters or symbols.

Speed: 8/10

On my TI-84 the gameplay is usually quick and interesting. Loading levels takes a bit longer than I would like, but it's not a major delay. Also, whenever Theta touches a special platform, or picks up something, the game temporarily slows down considerably.

Gameplay: 5/10

Some of the levels are set up in a normally impossible fashion, and others get pretty close to impossible. I found myself being forced to use the cheat code more than I would have liked. Also, there are only so many types of levels, and some get a bit repetitive.

Misc: 9/10

The game is very user-friendly, with intuitive controls and lots of features. It's fairly small, memory-wise on a TI-84, although it is stored in RAM.

Overall: 7.25/10

A surprisingly good game in Basic, although it isn't perfect. I recommend downloading it and trying it out for a while.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Theta Vs Pi 6 Screen Shots.WMV   303334
Read Me.txt   5195
THETA6.8xp   13896

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