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Super Cryptology Pack


Ranked as 26373 on our all-time top downloads list with 2247 downloads.
Ranked as 13790 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename crypto.zip (Download)
Title Super Cryptology Pack
Description This is a collection of five programs that can encrypt/ decrypt messages quickly. It includes a program for Caesar Shift with a function that checks each setting, a program for the ADFGVX cipher, the Playfair Cipher, the Vigenere Cipher, and the Enigma Machine. Each program has fully changeable settings. Each program saves its settings on a program-created list. Included is a "defualt" group of settings for each program. Programs will not be able to encrypt/ decrypt if there is not a saved list for every setting. If you have any questions, just email me, but you should probably figure out how these codes work before asking me, it will make running the program a lot easier.
Author Max K (maxkoren@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 14,283 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Dec 24 17:26:47 2006
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
VIGENERE.8xp   1127
VIGNR.8xl   139
ADFGVX.8xp   3645
AXWRD.8xl   139
CAESAR.8xp   1127
ENIGMA.8xp   4900
ORDER.8xl   103
PLAFR.8xl   301
PLAYFAIR.8xp   1974
PLUG.8xl   310
RFLCT.8xl   310
RTR1.8xl   310
RTR2.8xl   310
RTR3.8xl   310
TRI.8xl   103

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