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Chain Rule


Ranked as 6660 on our all-time top downloads list with 6139 downloads.
Ranked as 9119 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename cadeia.zip (Download)
Title Chain Rule
Description In calculus, the chain rule is a formula for the derivative of the composite of two functions. In intuitive terms, if a variable, y, depends on a second variable, u, which in turn depends on a third variable, x, then the rate of change of y with respect to x can be computed as the product of the rate of change of y with respect to u multiplied by the rate of change of u with respect to x.
Author IlĂ­dio Martins (ilidio.martins@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Calculus)
File Size 69,723 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Apr 14 02:59:07 2008
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Cadeia/chain.89p   545
Cadeia/Chain_teory/Chain Rule - Wikipedia.url   128
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain.html   5119
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain_ficheiros/chaineq01.gif   1225
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain_ficheiros/chaineq02.gif   1305
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain_ficheiros/chaineq03.gif   3331
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain_ficheiros/chaineq04.gif   509
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain_ficheiros/chaineq05.gif   1838
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain_ficheiros/chaineq06.gif   1118
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain_ficheiros/chaineq07.gif   1780
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain_ficheiros/chaineq08.gif   3357
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain_ficheiros/chaineq09.gif   3086
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain_ficheiros/chaineq10.gif   2045
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain_ficheiros/chaineq11.gif   3518
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain_ficheiros/chaineq12.gif   2423
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain_ficheiros/chaineq13.gif   3250
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain_ficheiros/chaineq14.gif   2082
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain_ficheiros/chaineq15.gif   7094
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain_ficheiros/logo.gif   1522
Cadeia/Chain_teory/chain_ficheiros/Thumbs.db   15872
Cadeia/copyto_h.89z   765
Cadeia/ilidio.martins.googlepages.com.url   200
Cadeia/Portuguese/cadeia.89p   545
Cadeia/Portuguese/copyto_h.89z   765
Cadeia/Screenshots/1.png   1693
Cadeia/Screenshots/ChainRule.png   1757
Cadeia/Screenshots/help.png   1716
Cadeia/Screenshots/Thumbs.db   10240

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