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Dead-6 Rise of The Scorpion 0.6100


Ranked as 23249 on our all-time top downloads list with 2587 downloads.
Ranked as 19357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename dead6.zip (Download)
Title Dead-6 Rise of The Scorpion 0.6100
Description Dead-6 is based of C&C Renegade's group of fictional characters, the Dead-6. It is a (mainly) text based (you don't need to type stuff actually) RPG where you get to travel around the world and enlist in the Global Defense Initiative or join the Brotherhood of Nod. README.txt contains important information for old players Beware that this BASIC game is large in file size. This is probably the last release of the game, thanks for playing it. Website: http://dead6.forumer.com Features are: 12 different weapons 21 different items 20 missions 14 vehicles 10 different jobs 9 countries and up to 24 people in your party. This version fixes a few pressing problems in the previous version.
Author nopol10 (bobnewbie@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 147,558 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Dec 3 02:08:41 2008
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Dead6.6100/d6.chan6100.89t   531
Dead6.6100/dead6.tig   274629
Dead6.6100/Flib/Flib.89z   7871
Dead6.6100/Flib/Flib.9xz   7873
Dead6.6100/Flib/Flib.v2z   7873
Dead6.6100/Flib/Flib2.89z   7971
Dead6.6100/Flib/Flib2.9xz   7971
Dead6.6100/Flib/Flib2.v2z   7971
Dead6.6100/Maketext/maketext.89z   365
Dead6.6100/Maketext/maketext.9xz   365
Dead6.6100/Maketext/maketext.tig   487
Dead6.6100/readme.txt   3929
Dead6.6100/Screenshots/screen000.GIF   1515
Dead6.6100/Screenshots/screen001.GIF   1398
Dead6.6100/Screenshots/screen02.gif   1866
Dead6.6100/Screenshots/screen03.gif   1866
Dead6.6100/Screenshots/Thumbs.db   45568

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