Jass V 1.01
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Jass V 1.01
A Game with the rules of the Swiss Cards Game Jass. The mode you can play is "Schieber". You need to be 4 players to play this game. There is no AI! Features: *Control of jass rules* *Modes: Trumpf and Obenabe/Undenufe* *Weiskontrolle* Have Fun! Start Game with Games/jassen() This Program needs the German Language Tool to run and everything is explained in the program in German!
Jérôme Wiss (friedeauferden@hotmail.com)
TI-89 BASIC Games (Board/Cards)
File Size
21,649 bytes
File Date and Time
Sat Oct 28 01:44:07 2006
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Archive Contents
Jass/jass.club.89i | 115 |
Jass/jass.club10.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.club6.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.club7.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.club8.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.club9.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.cluba.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.clubj.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.clubk.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.clubq.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.cursor.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.cursvert.89i | 98 |
Jass/jass.curswe1.89i | 115 |
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Jass/jass.dimnd6.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.dimnd7.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.dimnd8.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.dimnd9.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.dimnda.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.dimndj.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.dimndk.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.dimndq.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.heart.89i | 113 |
Jass/jass.heart10.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.heart6.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.heart7.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.heart8.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.heart9.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.hearta.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.heartj.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.heartk.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.heartq.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.spade.89i | 113 |
Jass/jass.spade10.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.spade6.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.spade7.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.spade8.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.spade9.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.spadea.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.spadej.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.spadek.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.spadeq.89i | 155 |
Jass/jass.spcard.89i | 155 |
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Jass/jass.jass9.89p | 1082 |
Jass/jass.newprog.89p | 504 |
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Jass/zdaten.p03pic99.89i | 1635 |