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OTBP Assembler 1


Ranked as 22934 on our all-time top downloads list with 2623 downloads.
Ranked as 18221 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 256 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.24.

Filename otbpassembler.zip (Download)
Title OTBP Assembler 1
Description The ultimate oncalc assembler! Supports all z80 commands, including relative addressing and index registers; supports any combination of decimal, binary, hex, ASCII, and equates; also supports Ion, Mirage, and DoorsCS, has error trapping, and more! Download today!
Author Brendan Fletcher (calc84maniac@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Development Tools)
File Size 61,803 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jan 7 02:03:04 2007
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Bryce Taylor
Reviewed on 2007-09-16
OTBP Assembler is the most useful program for any ASM programmer. It allows you to assemble ASM programs on your calculator, so you no longer need computer access to program in ASM. It has support for MOS, DCS, and ION programs as well as regular ASM programs. It includes an error catcher that allows you to edit the line, while it is assembling, so you do not have to start over again. However, it does seem to have a bug with changing stuff during the second part of assembling.

Usefulness: 12/10 (program in ASM anytime, anywhere)]

Speed: 5/10 (it's a BASIC program...)

Bugs: 9/10 (only the one, minor bug)

Accuracy: 10/10 (this is important in ASM; all commands are correctly interpreted)

Size: 9/10 (you can only assemble programs up to so large in size, due to the calculator's restrictions; the program is not too large)

Overall: 45/50 -> Download this today if you want to learn ASM or currently program in ASM


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Archive Contents
Name Size
DCSFILES.8xg   862
DEFFILES.8xg   3240
IONFILES.8xg   388
MOSFILES.8xg   990
readme.txt   5235
ASSEMBLE.8xg   4245

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