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StatLitE v1.00


Ranked as 24763 on our all-time top downloads list with 2429 downloads.
Ranked as 19194 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename statlite.zip (Download)
Title StatLitE v1.00
Description StatLitE v1.00 includes a "full precision" replacement for the built-in TI-83 normal cumulative distribution function. TI-83: normalcdf(-1E99,0,0,1) returns .5000000005 TI-89: TIStat.normCdf(-inf,0,0,1) returns .50000000052481 The replacement normcdf returns .5 on both the TI-83 and TI-89 The built-in norm[al]cdf only has 6 digits of accuracy when z=3 Z-score 3 Excel 2003 0.998650101968370 TI-89 0.99865003277777 TI-83 0.9986500328 StatLitE v1.00’s normcdf has full display accuracy Z-score 3 Excel 2003 0.998650101968370 StatLitE normcdf 0.99865010196835 ti83p normcdf 0.998650102 StatLitE v1.00 includes an inverse normal program, norminv, which is more accurate for probabilities < 0.995. Norminv handles extremely small probabilities better than the built-in inverse routine. A stand-alone error function is also included. Chi2cdf, chi2pdf, Fcdf, Fpdf, tcdf and tpdf call the built-in routines, which have full accuracy. They are only included as a convenient reminder about the order of parameter entry. They can all be deleted.
Author Bob Wang (bobby_wang@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Statistics)
File Size 32,595 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Oct 28 01:06:40 2006
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
TCDF.8xp   143
TPDF.8xp   127
Annouce.txt   1131
History.txt   41
StatLitE v1.00 TI-83.tig   8608
mem83p.gif   2396
normcdf.gif   2077
norminv.gif   2075
normpdf.gif   2094
Accuracy Comparisons.xls   18944
Peter J. Acklam's Inverse Normal Compared to AS241.xls   13824
StatLitE.doc   56320
CHI2CDF.8xp   143
CHI2PDF.8xp   127
ERF.8xp   1271
ERFSUB.8xp   1215
FCDF.8xp   163
FPDF.8xp   146
INVNORM.8xp   1370
NORMCDF.8xp   228
NORMINV.8xp   1370
NORMPDF.8xp   164

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