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Tiny CarZ


Ranked as 182 on our all-time top downloads list with 47173 downloads.
Ranked as 2592 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.
Ranked as 100 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.61.

Filename tinycarz.zip (Download)
Title Tiny CarZ
Description TiNY carZ is a car game, with a bird-eye view. It has nice graphics, (not just a white track and black grass) using my own tilemapping scrolling routine. It is a fact an evolution of tinycar: but a big evolution: an AI was added, and many options, like a link mode. So now you may challenge 7 other cars driven by the AI, or DUEL your friend with another calc and a link cable.
Author Léo Ducas (kuda_leo@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (MirageOS)
File Size 531,412 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Oct 10 15:27:35 2006
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  nick bugaev
Reviewed on 2009-12-26
Gameplay- Very fast and exciting races and many modes of play to choose from and multiple exciting tracks beg this game to be played. 10/10

Memory- The tracks do take up a significant amount of memory but its okay for now. 9/10

Creativity- Very creative gameplay and beautifully designed tracks. 10/10

File- Well organized folder along with detailed readme and screenshots. 10/10

Graphics- Very beautiful! Runs really smoothly and causes no problems. 10/10

Controls- At the beginning the controls take some getting used to. But after some time they begin to add up to the experience this game brings. 9/10

Overall- the best racing game i've ever played. I still can't win the race but i'll keep practicing!


  • Maybe a selection of cars?
  • Names overhead the cars cause I want to see who bumped me into a wall and I do want revenge on them!

Well that's my review. I gotta aim for that Nascar trophy!

See 6 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
TinycarZ/asm.bat   488
TinycarZ/DEVPAC8X.COM   935
TinycarZ/leveleditor readme.txt   3908
TinycarZ/leveleditor readme.txt.bak   3809
TinycarZ/Pic0.8xi   832
TinycarZ/readme.txt   5499
TinycarZ/TASM.EXE   215072
TinycarZ/TASM80.TAB   23045
TinycarZ/TinycarZ Track Editor.exe   900096
TinycarZ/TINYCARZ.8XP   11042
TinycarZ/tinycarz.gif   212581
TinycarZ/TZTRACK1.8XP   2179
TinycarZ/TZTRACK1.tzt   6348
TinycarZ/TZTRACK2.8XP   2179
TinycarZ/TZTRACK2.tzt   6347
TinycarZ/TZTRACK3.8XP   2179
TinycarZ/TZTRACK3.tzt   6345
TinycarZ/TZTRACK4.tzt   6208
TinycarZ/TZTRACK5.8XP   2179
TinycarZ/TZTRACK5.tzt   6356
TinycarZ/TZTRACK6.8XP   2179
TinycarZ/TZTRACK6.tzt   6360
TinycarZ/TZTRACK8.8XP   2179
TinycarZ/TZTRACK8.tzt   6346
TinycarZ/TztrackB.tzt   6343

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