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Card Probability Assist Program


Ranked as 31825 on our all-time top downloads list with 1650 downloads.
Ranked as 11439 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename cardprob.zip (Download)
Title Card Probability Assist Program
Description For use with the Prob Sim Application. Though, it is not required. This program IS DEPENDANT on an outside source, and will not work as a stand alone. This program uses the lists CARD, DRAW, and SUIT, to create data. The flash application, Prob Sim creates these lists (Under option 5, Card Prob). The zip contains two documentation files. One RTF and one PDF. The PDF lists, in detail, how to find Prob Sim on your calc and operate the progam. I made this for my math teacher last school year, oddly enough, I have him this school year as well. My point is, the PDF is made with teachers in mind. The Disclaimer, and other important stuff, are in the RTF. The Disclaimers are also in the PDF. Quick Facts: The prog puts no limit to the number of cards you may sort. The only limit is RAM. I have drawn 300 cards, then crunched the date. It took 15k of RAM and what felt like forever to sort. The program no longer use 'Pause.' The pictures are from a version of the file when it did use pause. Luckily, now, You can go back to any slide w/o rerunning the whole program. Enjoy. Screenies soon! Need to change them to gif...
Author Alex Glanville (ajglanville@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Probability)
File Size 254,499 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Oct 2 18:39:56 2006
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
CARDPROB/.DS_Store   6148
CARDPROB/CARDPROBguide.pdf   262205

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