FreitazOS (Beta 1.2 DEMO)
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FreitazOS (Beta 1.2 DEMO)
This fixes some bugs, run Basic, AShell, and Ion compatible programs. It's a windows shell.
Hugo Freitas (
TI-83/84 Plus Flash Shells
File Size
101,671 bytes
File Date and Time
Tue Sep 26 17:57:38 2006
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
TI Freakware
Reviewed on
While some of the ideas behind this shell are nice, they are far from completed and certain aspects really need reworked. For starters, the 'Enter' key is actually the ^ key, and it took some time to figure this out. This shell allows for up to 2 users to use it, with passwords to keep people out of your personal stuff. It has a 'MyTI' and Recycle bin icons, you can create folders and delete them, but beyond that, you can't really do anything with this shell.
Maybe if the developer decided to actually finish this, it would be an interesting addition of shells, but as it stands right now, it needs a lot more work. |
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Archive Contents
FreitazOS (Demo Version)/FOS.8xk | 35081 |
FreitazOS (Demo Version)/Images of the full version FreitazOS(API version)/Documentation to this product.. (Have some things that product don't have, and others that product have, but is not hear.doc | 109056 |
FreitazOS (Demo Version)/Images of the full version FreitazOS(API version)/Freitaz User Mode 2(All programs).bmp | 73782 |
FreitazOS (Demo Version)/Images of the full version FreitazOS(API version)/Freitaz User Mode 4 MyTI.bmp | 73782 |
FreitazOS (Demo Version)/Images of the full version FreitazOS(API version)/Freitaz User Mode 5 Controller Painel.bmp | 73782 |
FreitazOS (Demo Version)/Images of the full version FreitazOS(API version)/FreitazOS Boot.BMP | 73782 |
FreitazOS (Demo Version)/Images of the full version FreitazOS(API version)/FreitazOS Font small.bmp | 72698 |
FreitazOS (Demo Version)/Images of the full version FreitazOS(API version)/FreitazOS Logon User.bmp | 73782 |
FreitazOS (Demo Version)/Images of the full version FreitazOS(API version)/FreitazOS Logon.bmp | 73782 |
FreitazOS (Demo Version)/Images of the full version FreitazOS(API version)/FreitazOS User Mode 1 Windows Minimizaded Menu.bmp | 73782 |
FreitazOS (Demo Version)/Images of the full version FreitazOS(API version)/FreitazOS User Mode 1.bmp | 73782 |
FreitazOS (Demo Version)/Images of the full version FreitazOS(API version)/FreitazOS User Mode 2.bmp | 73782 |
FreitazOS (Demo Version)/Images of the full version FreitazOS(API version)/FreitazOS(INC.).inc | 11287 |
FreitazOS (Demo Version)/Images of the full version FreitazOS(API version)/freitazos.8xk | 158300 |
FreitazOS (Demo Version)/Readme!!.txt | 1127 |
FreitazOS (Demo Version)/Source (Block Principal, not everything).asm | 68947 |