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Clock Hook 2


Ranked as 16489 on our all-time top downloads list with 3374 downloads.
Ranked as 18468 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename clockhook.zip (Download)
Title Clock Hook 2
Description This is the second version of Clock Hook, but it is very different from the first one. This program makes it possible to customize where you do and where you don't want the date and time to show up. You can also specify what time and date notation you want use. This version also includes a screensaver, a Auto Power Down timer and a time restore function. This application uses the getcsc hook, but it can chain hooks so it will work fine with applications like Omnicalc. This application will only work on a TI-84 plus (SE).
Author Igrek (ipigrepek@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Misc. Programs
File Size 17,701 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Sep 8 19:25:46 2007
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Matthew Dillard
Reviewed on 2007-10-03
Clock Hook 2 is a very promising application. It is well written and has way more than you can ever want. It's very unique and original; I have seen no other application with a screen saver! But theres are four small problems two of which ruin the fun completely.

1. This program boasts about Chainhooking. It has chainhooking. It works, but it doesn't continue to work AFTER one enters and leaves applications with hooks of their own (ie. MirageOS, Omnicalc) and must be reinstalled upon exit.

2. The apps menu. It retains clock position of the page previously viewed, whether it being the graph, homescreen, program editor, etc. and keeps the clock on the screen even when entering an application.

3. The programming page clock is a good idea, but it's in a bad spot. I feel he should have left it at the bottom of the page like most of the other clock positions.

4. On the graph-table page (and possibly elsewhere on the graph) it updates the clock display each time the cursor moves. while I realize this is necessary, else the clock be overwritten by the cursor, i still think that the graph implementation should not include the "trace" and "G-T" functions.

This is really a good idea, I would love to have this on my calculator, but through lack of compatibility with other programs, and the apps menu glitch, this program can't be considered complete. But he's taken the right step with the chainhook idea!

originality 10/10

functionality 10/10

usefulness 10/10

compatibility 1/10

user friendly 8/10

Overall 7/10


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Archive Contents
Name Size
readme.txt   6079
clock2.8xk   19839
SCREEN0024.gif   7923

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