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Reaktor V0.2


Ranked as 25021 on our all-time top downloads list with 2389 downloads.
Ranked as 14264 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename reaktor.zip (Download)
Title Reaktor V0.2
Description The second version of Reaktor the interactive nuclear reactor simulation. Maybe you tried the last version and were confused because it doesn´t go but I uploaded a old version with a bug. But here´s the new one with complete Documentation with complete explainations of every function. And I´ve fixed the problem wqith the ESC key so that Reaktor won´t disconnect if you press ESC. I hope you excuse the error in the last version and try these. Further information at our homepage:(only in german yet) www.bttec.de.gg.
Author Benjamin Kiessling (benjaminkiessling@bttec.org)
Category Voyage 200 Assembly Games
File Size 473,082 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Sep 9 00:19:35 2006
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/bin/TI 92+/reaktor.9xy   15589
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/bin/TI 92+/reaktor.9xz   2010
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/bin/V200/reaktor.v2y   15589
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/bin/V200/reaktor.v2z   2010
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/bttec Homepage.url   78
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/doc/Documentation.html   12397
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/doc/img/Kopie von REAKTORSTART0001.gif   2624
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REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/doc/img/REAKTORSTART0002.gif   2160
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/doc/img/REAKTORSTART0003.gif   4026
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REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/doc/img/REAKTORSTART0005.gif   3859
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/doc/img/REAKTORSTART0006.gif   5025
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/doc/img/REAKTORSTART0007.gif   3943
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/doc/img/REAKTORSTART0011.gif   3570
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/doc/img/REAKTORSTART0012.gif   3706
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REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/doc/img/Thumbs.db   51200
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/license/GNU Public License.txt   17987
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/screens/Kopie von REAKTORSTART0001.gif   2624
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/screens/REAKTORSTART0001.gif   2624
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/screens/REAKTORSTART0002.gif   2160
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/screens/REAKTORSTART0003.gif   4026
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/screens/REAKTORSTART0004.gif   3872
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/screens/REAKTORSTART0005.gif   3859
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/screens/REAKTORSTART0006.gif   5025
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/screens/REAKTORSTART0007.gif   3943
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/screens/REAKTORSTART0011.gif   3570
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/screens/REAKTORSTART0012.gif   3706
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/screens/REAKTORSTART0013.gif   3438
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/src/Dialogs.c   5205
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/src/Dialogs.o   59268
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/src/getKey.h   121
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/src/gfx.c   1174
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/src/gfx.o   53149
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/src/loadnsave.c   1073
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/src/loadnsave.o   4472
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/src/Main.c   15046
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/src/Main.o   70645
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/src/Mainutils.h   5273
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/src/Menus.c   485
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/src/reaktor.89y   15723
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/src/reaktor.89z   1095
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/src/reaktor.tpr   1483
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/src/reaktor.v2y   15589
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/src/reaktor.v2z   2010
REAKTOR 0.2 BETA/src/Sprites.h   242982

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