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Pyro's Sprite Editor


Ranked as 33744 on our all-time top downloads list with 1408 downloads.

Filename pyrosspriteeditorb2.zip (Download)
Title Pyro's Sprite Editor
Description Pyro's Sprite Editor is... well, a sprite editor. Utilizing Patrick Prendergast's xLIB library, it lets you quickly edit pics and individual sprites on your calculator, and comes with many nice features -- you can quick-edit multiple sprites at once, do basic transform functions like flip, invert, transpose, etc, and of course, edit sprites in the pixel editor. And, if that isn't enough for you, you can also create and and add "mods" to the editor to extend it's features by editing the appropriate mod sub, and if you mess up, just take out the buggy code from the mod and the editor will be running like it should. The mod development guide should be included in the next release, but some information has been posted in the user guide.
Author Scott Garrett (metalrandomist@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs (Drawing)
File Size 40,780 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jul 19 09:58:46 2006
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Pyro's Sprite Editor/MODS.8Xg   1265
Pyro's Sprite Editor/PYROEDIT.8Xg   6290
Pyro's Sprite Editor/UserGuide/index.html   23043
Pyro's Sprite Editor/UserGuide/User Guide_html_1eedfc46.jpg   1993
Pyro's Sprite Editor/UserGuide/User Guide_html_2779ae95.jpg   4368
Pyro's Sprite Editor/UserGuide/User Guide_html_28bdafdb.jpg   2655
Pyro's Sprite Editor/UserGuide/User Guide_html_2d981a44.jpg   1430
Pyro's Sprite Editor/UserGuide/User Guide_html_388803b9.jpg   1215
Pyro's Sprite Editor/UserGuide/User Guide_html_48bfe8af.jpg   1879
Pyro's Sprite Editor/UserGuide/User Guide_html_69a7c204.jpg   1857
Pyro's Sprite Editor/UserGuide/User Guide_html_72486daf.jpg   1622
Pyro's Sprite Editor/UserGuide/User Guide_html_77af5adf.jpg   1918
Pyro's Sprite Editor/UserGuide/User Guide_html_m33abfe7b.jpg   2780
Pyro's Sprite Editor/UserGuide/User Guide_html_m3be8a0b4.jpg   2257
Pyro's Sprite Editor/UserGuide/User Guide_html_m6a0faaae.jpg   1899
Pyro's Sprite Editor/UserGuide/User Guide_html_m6a860884.jpg   1696
Pyro's Sprite Editor/UserGuide/_notes/User Guide.html.mno   458
Pyro's Sprite Editor/WTF.txt   55

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