Ranked as 25847 on our all-time top downloads list with 2308 downloads. Ranked as 22274 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Review by
Arthur O'Dwyer
Reviewed on
This is a pretty good game, for a DDR clone. The interface is trivially obvious; 10 out of 10 there. The graphics are also adequate; obviously, this isn't a graphics-intensive game, but there are the arrows, and a bar on the right side of the screen tracking... something. Probably the accuracy percentage.
The source code isn't painfully bloated, although it certainly has plenty of obvious inefficiencies and could probably be shrunk by a factor of 2 pretty easily. For one thing, the programmer doesn't seem to know about the "Line" command when drawing the arrows; he does them pixel by pixel.
One flaw in the gameplay is that extraneous keypresses aren't penalized, so it's possible to get a rating of 100 percent just by repeatedly mashing all the arrow keys at once. Once you figure this out, the game loses its challenge.
Still, this is a nice little game, a time-killer along the lines of Skiing. 6/10 -- better than you'd expect from Basic DDR. |
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