"Sudoku by MDR Falcon" is a nice game for the TI-83+ Series. The game displays a simple easy-to-use menu with different levels of diffuculty, and a simple-looking board. The graphics are good but could be better, and file size is not bad (only 2061 bytes on the calculator!).
The only problem/bug is that the cursor of the board is almost not viewable on the calculator screen (unlike the picture which shows a perfect cursor); otherwise the game would be perfect.
Graphics: 8/10 - Could be better.
Fun/Replayability: 10/10 - Well it's sudoku!
Size: 9/10 - Good.
Controls/Operation: 3/10 - That cursor is just not visible enough; the rest is good.
Well, if you like sudoku and if your concern is file size, then this game is for you.
I would recomend the author if he has plans to upgrade his program that he just fix the cursor visibility.
Overall: 30/40 (it seems bad but there is only one minor issue).