World War III (ALPHA version)
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World War III (ALPHA version)
An alpha version (that means this it should be playable, but far from complete!) of a strategy game I made. There is no documentation yet, you will need to set up all the players first, then start playing. Win by destroying your opponents. Extra social spending improves your chances of your citizens liking you (and avoiding those pesky rebellions), and economy spending directly increases your income each turn. Unused cash does NOT carry over. Ground units are weak against everything, but they are cheap and the only unit that can capture land. Water units are moderatly expensive and very hard to kill, but they don't kill anything other than other water units very well. Air units are expensive and kill other air and ground units very well. Defensive units are exactly the same as thier non-defensive counterparts, but cannot be used to attack other players. I am working on a more streamlined backend for the program, as well as introducing espionage, battle strategy, and nuclear weaponry. PLease note that there is no AI! Please leave comments and such, I would like this game to be as good as possible.
Bay Grabowski (
TI-92 Plus BASIC Games
File Size
5,412 bytes
File Date and Time
Sat Jul 15 15:11:26 2006
Documentation Included?
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