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ASM Interface


Ranked as 28632 on our all-time top downloads list with 2026 downloads.
Ranked as 2276 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.

Filename asminterface.zip (Download)
Title ASM Interface
Description This is the new and extremely improved version that allows you to run archived programs without the risk of losing any RAM. No bugs/ no problems!!! It is is a sleek interface for Codex, by Justin Wales, and Xlib, by Triplea productions. I thank them for their helpful programs. This interface that I have created uses a triple tile page down/page up menu, much like the program menu on the TI OS. Under the "Func" tile, you can toggle inverted text, turn alpha lock on, turn lowercase letters on, use a superfast graph screen clear, instantly turn graph buffer black, increase the contrast, decrease the contrast, see how much free ram or archive you have, turn the run indicator on/off. Under the "Tools" tile, you can Archive, Unarchive, Delete, Lock, or Unlock any program you have. Under the "Prgm" tile, you can run or repeat any archived program that you have.
Author dev patel (devanshpatel22@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Shells)
File Size 208,167 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jun 6 03:16:56 2007
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
ASM Interface/AA.8xp   5227
ASM Interface/AA.GIF   76422
ASM Interface/AA2.GIF   64192
ASM Interface/AA3.GIF   127373
ASM Interface/CODEX.8XP   908
ASM Interface/Readme.txt   1678
ASM Interface/xLIB .8xk   15200

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