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Starcraft xLib with Protoss AI


Ranked as 10777 on our all-time top downloads list with 4554 downloads.
Ranked as 4846 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename starcraftprotossandai.zip (Download)
Title Starcraft xLib with Protoss AI
Description This is the second installment in the Starcraft series that we are doing. This version only supports one player with computer AI. Build a graphical empire to train, build, upgrade, research, and enihilate your enemy. Dont think your so great: the comp is vicious. Sometimes it will be a nub, or sumtimes all pro. its all luck. Many graphical upgrades from version 1.3 of terran version. this is a whole new game with more upgrades, more units (obviously diff considering its protoss), and better attack screen. now you get to actually see what your guys look like during a battle. gives hours of enjoyment that is never the same twice. This upgrade deals with minute play changes and enhanced AI. The AI now can act between different strategies.
Authors Anthony Ford (seeleleid@sbcglobal.net)
Jade Krieger ()
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 319,856 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Aug 5 20:20:20 2006
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Starcraft Protoss and AI/Attack.gif   77898
Starcraft Protoss and AI/Pic6.8xi   832
Starcraft Protoss and AI/Pic7.8xi   832
Starcraft Protoss and AI/save feature.gif   76307
Starcraft Protoss and AI/starcraftreadme.txt   17010
Starcraft Protoss and AI/start up.gif   135333
Starcraft Protoss and AI/STRCFTAI.8xp   4157
Starcraft Protoss and AI/STRCFTPT.8xp   14392
Starcraft Protoss and AI/train and build.gif   111194
Starcraft Protoss and AI/xLIBv0.601b.8xk   15034

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