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Matrix Mines v1.0b


Ranked as 33331 on our all-time top downloads list with 1463 downloads.
Ranked as 3312 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename matrixmines.zip (Download)
Title Matrix Mines v1.0b
Description Well, this is minesweeper basically. You all know minesweeper so i won't explain that. It's 10x10 only, no other dimensions, but there are variable skill levels from noob (10 mines) to Jedi-Master (99 mines). It's in BASIC so it takes a little while to load.
Author Paul Panarese (sportsfreak48@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Puzzle/Minesweeper)
File Size 1,899 bytes
File Date and Time Sun May 28 16:18:20 2006
Documentation Included? Yes


Review by  nick bugaev
Reviewed on 2009-12-26
Gameplay- A new take on the minesweeper game and this game delivers! With many modes to choose this is really fun! 10/10

Memory- very small program and doesn't take up much space. 10/10

Creativity- This game maintains its own level of creativity with the very funny modes such as noob and jedi-master! 10/10

File- Includes a well descriptive readme. 10/10

Graphics- I can't really judge much here since its only boxes and signs.

Controls- the controls are a bit hard to learn at first but anyone may pick up the controls later one. 9/10

Overall- A great minesweeper experience. 9/10

Suggestions: some modes load WAY too long

Well that's my review. I got to go and get myself out of this minefield!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
MATRXMN1.8xp   2750
README.txt.txt   566

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