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Racer Evolution


Ranked as 23835 on our all-time top downloads list with 2523 downloads.

Filename racerevolution.zip (Download)
Title Racer Evolution
Description In this program you will race you heart out, earn money, buy better cars, build CUSTOM cars to race, get busted by the cops while street racing (only race in which you actually control the car) the games contains 17 different cars with varying performance statistics, and three race modes, street, oval, and drag race, you can sell your old cars to make money to buy new cars, and much more!
Author zac upp (nerdboy175@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Racing)
File Size 8,043 bytes
File Date and Time Sun May 14 17:53:29 2006
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Ben F.
Reviewed on 2022-07-27
This game seemingly has potential, but at the end of the day it's just another text based carpg combined with a tunnel racer game. There are effectively no differences between the first two courses (DRAG STRIP and OVAL RACE) the game advertises besides the payout as they both just display "you win" or "you lose" after you select them. Selecting "STREET" mysteriously throws ERR:INVALID, but going to the sub program it attempts to call brings you to a fairly easy tunnel racer where you avoid other cars. This is the most fun part of the game, but it seems completely separate from the main game as car stats don't affect it at all, making any sort of progression pointless as getting supposedly faster and more expensive cars doesn't have any reward over just buying a cheap one and using that forever.

Overall, 4.4/10. There is potential here, but as it stands the game's mechanics are just too simple for its own good.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
RacerEvolution/DEALSHIPSCREEN.BMP   73782
RacerEvolution/FORDSCREEN.BMP   73782
RacerEvolution/LOADSCREEN.BMP   73782
RacerEvolution/PRICE.8xl   256
RacerEvolution/RACE.8xp   722
RacerEvolution/RACEEVO.8xp   6378

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