The Ultimate Calculus Collection!!!
Ranked as 12 on our all-time top downloads list with 262527 downloads. Ranked as 4 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 153 downloads. Ranked as 530 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.36.
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The Ultimate Calculus Collection!!!
This is a must download. This program has over 60 functions, including: trig functions, expression simplification, limits, derivatives of functions, implict differentiation, tangent finder, function explorer, all roots to an equation, RAM, 1st fundamental theorem of calculus, trapazoidal/simpson's rule, average value theorem, slope field, euler's method, improved euler's method, runge kutta method, area between two curves, rotational volume/surface area, arc length, hyperbolic functions, partial fractions, taylor series, parametric functions, polar functions, and many more! As an added bonus, all answers are in exact form. Also this basic program was compiled into an application! (thanks to Martin Warmer's BasicBuilder App Creator).
Chip Hurst (
TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Calculus)
File Size
67,024 bytes
File Date and Time
Sun May 29 17:32:04 2011
Documentation Included?
Review by
Patrick Strain
Reviewed on
This app is very helpful and usually gives correct answers, but there are a few problems. First, the "App" version blocks access to the use of fractions and the added OmniCalc functions (such as Secant, Cosecant, and Cotangent) while running the app. Second, the Tangent Line barely gives any useful information; it just displays the X and Y coordinate that the user already inputed and the slope value for x^1. Also in Tangent Line, it doesn't seem like it is able to handle pi or fractions very well (if at all) and will usually give an incorrect answer for equations that contain either of those or that has an answer that contains either of them. Third, according to another user, there is a bug with the Base ("Program") version that causes errors to be thrown (an error message shows on the screen and closes the program) whenever Theta is used. They seem to have posted a fixed version of the Base version somewhere in this site's File Archives (using the alternate name for this app, "A+Calc"). Finally, answers are sometimes displayed in an awkward manner (Ex: 3x^2 + 1/2x is displayed as 3 * x^2 + 1/2 * x); although, this appears to be an issue with the PrettyPt app used to display these answers. My overall score for this app is 7 out of 10. |
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Archive Contents
apluscalc/-Readme-.txt | 1571 |
apluscalc/Application Format/A+ Calc .8xk | 26904 |
apluscalc/Basic Format/_theta_W_theta_1.8xp | 154 |
apluscalc/Basic Format/_theta_W_theta_2.8xp | 221 |
apluscalc/Basic Format/_theta_W_theta_3.8xp | 561 |
apluscalc/Basic Format/_theta_W_theta_4.8xp | 502 |
apluscalc/Basic Format/_theta_W_theta_5.8xp | 213 |
apluscalc/Basic Format/_theta_W_theta_6.8xp | 300 |
apluscalc/Basic Format/ACALC1.8xp | 6100 |
apluscalc/Basic Format/ACALC2.8xp | 8662 |
apluscalc/Basic Format/Pic0.8xi | 832 |
apluscalc/Basic Format/Pic7.8xi | 832 |
apluscalc/Basic Format/Pic8.8xi | 832 |
apluscalc/Basic Format/Pic9.8xi | 832 |
apluscalc/Omnicalc.8xk | 36760 |
apluscalc/PrettyPt.8xk | 25364 |
apluscalc/Symbolic.8xk | 39532 |