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Fractal Generator


Ranked as 25051 on our all-time top downloads list with 2391 downloads.
Ranked as 11074 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename fractals.zip (Download)
Title Fractal Generator
Description Stores one of 11 fractals to Pic2: the Sierpinski triangle (featured in the TI manual), Sierpinski carpet, three Sierpinski jewels, dragon curve (aka the Jurassic Park fractal), Mandelbrot set, box fractal, pentagon fractal, fern fractal, and the Langton's ant cellular automaton (not a fractal, but I put it here anyway). You input the number of iterations (a couple thousand usually looks good; note that the dragon curve and Mandelbrot set don't rely on the iteration input), and wait a while for the fractal to be drawn. It takes anywhere from 30 seconds to 30 minutes, depending on the number of iterations. Like all my programs, it restores your graph settings and deletes all the variables used (except for Pic2, of course).
Author Remy Oukaour (remy.oukaour@verizon.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs
File Size 2,088 bytes
File Date and Time Tue May 30 00:55:31 2006
Documentation Included? No


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Archive Contents
Name Size
FRACTALS.8xp   3093
FRACTALS-ReadMe.txt   812

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